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What I’ve Learned So Far as an SEO Intern for Focuswise

What I’ve Learned So Far as an SEO Intern for Focuswise

Welcome back to the Focuswise blog. As the title suggests, today’s article is written from a different perspective. My name is Abby, and as a Focuswise intern, I work extensively with Curt Steinhorst on the blog portion of the Focuswise website. I will briefly introduce myself and then move on to some lessons I’ve learned as an SEO intern for Curt and his company.

Currently, I am a senior English major at North Central University in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota. I have been with Focuswise since September 2021, working as part of my school’s IIE (Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship) department. The IIE does consulting work with Focuswise, which is how I came to know Curt and his team. I have loved the opportunity to experience real-life consulting work and utilize my SEO knowledge while being a full-time student.

Before I dive into the rest of the article, here is my quick definition of the term ‘SEO.’ Search engine optimization is essentially highlighting a specific keyword on a post or page so that Google (or another search engine) ranks your page higher in the search results.

seo intern; hand points to screen with graph titled, "traffic sources overview"

Search engine optimization is more than just crunching the numbers.

4 Lessons I Learned as an SEO Intern

#1. Sometimes you need to rewrite. A LOT. Depending on the type of job, SEO work can mean a lot of writing. It could be as simple as changing a few paragraph headings or as complex as writing new articles from scratch.  Whatever the case may be, it will likely call for good writing skills, something an English major background has certainly helped with.

#2. Strategy is critical to success. From the smallest details (you never want to use the same keyword more than once if you do not rank high already) to the overarching vision of the company, a laid-out strategy is key to avoid confusion. From interns to CEO’s, everybody appreciates clear communication about their role and why it is important to the overall goals of the organization.

life as an seo intern; white keyboard, corner of computer, computer mouse, and notepad with pen over a yellow background

Be prepared to use your writing skills in SEO.

#3. It may take a while before you see any results. Holistic SEO growth is a long-term investment. As an SEO intern, it can get demoralizing not seeing the fruit of your efforts, but know that a good strategy takes time. Google likes to see quality over quantity when it comes to content. And as the content begins to grow, the backlinking network will increase, providing better SEO results.

#4. You have to remain flexible. Being on any sort of team for work, school, or play reveals this lesson in no time. Plans change, and sometimes the boss decides to prioritize a different task from the one you were working on. Or, a coworker becomes sick, and your project gets sidelined. Flexibility in a work environment is crucial to keep work flowing and the team together on the right track.

Looking Forward to 2022

Overall, I have learned a great deal from these past few months working with the Focuswise team as an SEO intern, and I look forward to continue working with them in the coming new year. Happy Holidays from me, Curt, and the rest of the team!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out Curt’s Year in Review for recommendations on Curt’s best video, Forbes article, blog post, and inspirational quote!

Year in Review: Best of Curt 2021

Year in Review: Best of Curt 2021

It’s that time of year when everyone does retrospectives, so my twist on the usual year in review is to point you to “the one thing” I most hope you will read or view from 2021:

  • If you watch only one of my videos this year, make it my TED Talk. It will help you avoid burnout and enjoy work again. Seriously.
  • If you read only one of my Forbes thought pieces this year, make it the Workplace-Sacrifice Balance. It will help you develop a valuable perspective for 2022.
  • If you take a look at only one of my blog posts, make it my white paper. It contains landmark research that will change the way we work post pandemic.
  • If you remember only one of my quotes from 2021, let it be this:

“Human productivity is driven by focused attention.
And it is obscured by almost everything else.”

Please keep that in mind as you plan your workflow in 2022.

Here’s wishing you happy holidays and a strong finish to the year!
